ReSound, hearing difficulties and so forth can cause significant hearing loss, we understand very well that in the act of daily living. A powerful, digital super power BTE resound with model Magna™ using devices with features and advanced technology we are developing, allowing you to hear more of is the reason. In this way, you will be able to live the life you want.
ReSound Magna, it most situations where you need more sound amplification, providing BTE is one of the most powerful devices on the market. Magna ReSound DFS Ultra perfect echo suppression system™ thanks to a high level without any disturbing echo of the Sound Power level will keep.
Unique surround sound by ReSound™ technology with a sound amplifier that gives excellent sound quality with resound magna, you will enjoy full and detailed.
ReSound magna advanced orientation of the property; to make it easier to distinguish where speech and other important noises are coming from, enhances speech understanding in a noisy environment. ReSound Magna also by reducing wind noise, more comfortable in the outdoors will allow you to hear.
ReSound Magna in addition, normally not being able to hear the sounds of an advanced algorithm that allows you to hear Sound again in the nature of News™ is equipped with. In other words, Important Tips improves the quality of the speech; just as the voices of children and birds chirping can be heard clearly...more
ReSound magna heavy use device, easy management, and is manufactured in consideration of aesthetics. Solidly built and superior, durable which is a process iSolate™ nanotech with completely
this device has the property, which is covered with high water repellency; and for an active lifestyle...